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  • The Bristol Bay watershed supports large carnivores such as brown bears, bald eagles, and wolves that depend on salmon; ungulates such as moose and caribou; and numerous waterfowl species. (EPA, 2014)
  • Over 20 million fish spawned in the Kvichak River watershed of Alaska in 1980 (Alaska Department of Fish and Game). Assuming an average fish weight of 5.9 pounds, this equals about 118 million lbs. of biomass that salmon distributed throughout the watershed including important nutrients estimated at about 55,000 lbs. of Phosphorus, 40,000 lbs. of Nitrogen, and 590,000 lbs. of Calcium (Gende, 2002, p. 917-928).
    • Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Commercial
      Fisheries Data. Anchorage, Alaska.
    • Gende, S. M., R. T. Edwards, M. F. Willson, and M. S. Wipfli. 2002. Pacific salmon in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Bioscience. 10:917-928.


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